Levitt House

Beverly Hills, 1961, Richard Neutra

Loring House

Hollywood, 1959, Richard Neutra

Lovell Beach House

Newport Beach, 1926, Rudolph Schindler

Lovell Health House

Hollywood, 1929, Richard Neutra

The Melody/Starlet Apartments

Burbank, 1940s

Moore-Rogger-Hofflander Condominium Building

Westwood, 1975, Charles Moore and Richard Chylinski

Norton House

Venice, 1982-84, Frank O. Gehry

Ohara House

1959, Silver Lake, Richard Neutra

O’Neill House

Silver Lake, 1953, Rodney Walker, remodeled by George Mimnaugh in 2005

One Santa Fe Apartments/SciArc Architectural School

Downtown, Michael Maltzan

Paley House

Beverly Hills, 1936, Paul Williams

Pendleton House

Beverly Hills, 1942, John Elgin Woolf

Petal House

Venice, 1978, Morphosis

Reiner-Burchill Residence (Silvertop)

Silver Lake, 1956-76, John Lautner

Reynolds House

Hancock Park, 1958, John Elgin Woolf